To impart quality education, keeping in view the needs of the times and harmonizing it with the cultural matrix of the society.
🅑 To foster, promote and sustain the cultivation of science and to encourage individual initiative for dissemination of scientific knowledge and finally to secure for the people of the society so that the benefits that can accrue from the acquisition and application of scientific knowledge.
🅒 To enhance the inner talents of students though education.
🅓 To develop a sense of self realization through various student support activities.
🅔 To create conducive environment and to motivate students for better learning.
🅕 To develop soft skills and life skills of the students.
🅖 To promote liberty of mind or freedom of thought.
🅗 To stimulate an interest in the sources of our civilization, its art and thought, its language and literature and its philosophy and religion.
🅘 To generate resources and develop basic infrastructure so as to provide the facility for research and development and to create an inspiring atmosphere of creative activity.
🅙 It aims at physical health and efficiency, intellectual alertness and learning, education of emotions and imaginations and teaches the youths the obligations and rights of the individuals, their meaning and value for life.
🅚 To help equip the students with commonsense, dignity, self-control and hard work so that they can effectively counter/negate the menace the communalism, intolerance, violence and hatred.
🅛 To develop a sense of sustainable development.
How We Work
OZOSOFT is a reputed Web & Software development company in Guwahati with special focus on web, mobile apps and educational sectors. The employees at OZOSOFT work hard to provide innovative, cutting-edge solutions to our clients.
We have a passionate team that enjoys what they do. They are committed to providing the best for our clients. Our clients satisfaction matters so we provide premium quality and deliver on time services because we care about their success and ours.
We Will Be Useful to You
In our company, we typically work with clients in the following ways:
Identifying their IT needs and requirements: We start by understanding the client’s business goals, current IT infrastructure, and any challenges they are facing. This helps us develop a tailored solution that addresses their specific needs and requirements.
Proposing a solution: Based on our understanding of the client’s requirements, we develop a comprehensive solution that includes the technologies, services, and resources needed to meet their objectives. This proposal outlines the scope of work, timeline, budget, and any other important details.
Implementing the solution: Once the proposal is approved, we begin implementing the solution. This may involve installing new software or hardware, configuring systems, providing training, and integrating the solution with the client’s existing IT infrastructure.
Ongoing support and maintenance: After the solution is implemented, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the technology is running smoothly and meeting the client’s needs. This may include regular updates and upgrades, technical support, and monitoring to prevent and resolve any issues.
Overall, our goal is to work closely with clients to understand their needs and provide solutions that help them achieve their business objectives in the long run.